Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tudors 4x03

In the Tudor England of Henry VIII and his fifth wife Catherine Howard nothing much is happening it would seem... While Henry is indisposed due to the ulcerating boil on his leg, his tweeting queen, this neighing foal, caves in to the seductive charms of that cunning Culpeper and takes him as her lover. On his part, Henry grows a liking to his former queen, Anne, and visits her bedchamber. Moaning and groaning apart, the King stirs up some dirt by touring the North, forgiving the populace for the recent uprising (the Pilgrimage of Grace which he had suppressed ruthlessly), gaining much needed popularity in preparation for a confrontation with James, King of Scots. In this endeavor, Henry has brought his eldest daughter, Lady Mary, who displays true regal composure – despite her resentment for the new queen – in striking contrast to her royal majesty’s lowly demeanor. Meanwhile, Lord Surrey is brewing up a storm against the Seymour family. To be honest, I cannot say I particularly enjoyed this rather tedious episode.

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