Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dexter 3x07

Season 3 of Dexter has been very much about relationships – and with it we’re delving deeper into the emotional morass of a serial killer who is grappling with leading a normal life. Dex has been stepping out of his foster father’s shadow, trying to redefine the Code by which he lives – or rather, by which he kills. In contrast, he’s growing closer to Rita and her kids, learning to accept his impending fatherhood, and dealing with his oncoming wedding. Moreover, he has found a friend who guessed Dex is some kind of vigilante, meting out justice to deserving victims, and respects him for it. Miguel is hoping to convince Dex they should take out this defense attorney Ellen Wolf who’s on a smear campaign against him for meddling with legal ethics. Dex tells Miguel he won’t help him and they end up fighting. He won’t kill someone just to settle a personal score, even if she defended murderers and rapists. That’s her job. In the end, Miguel thanks him for telling him no, because that’s what friends do, and apologizes.

The most moving scenes happens between Dexter and Camilla, a family friend who is dying of lung cancer. She’s been asking him for key lime pie, if only to give her a reason to live another day. She has no other reason left to live, and asks her if he could help her die: the most powerful and profound moment of this entire show – so painfully touching and incredibly human. She doesn’t know she couldn’t have asked a better person. But Dex has never knowingly killed someone innocent – and certainly never such a good friend. Later she apologizes for putting him through such a terrible thing and tells him she knows his secret that The Ice Truck Killer was his brother. On his next visit he brings another pie, which he says will make her feel better. She knows he put something in it so that she will pass on. He whispers he killed his brother, and just before she passes away, she says, “It’s good ... that you did.” Wow.

But this season is also about other people’s relationships. Rita and Miguel’s wife Sylvia also form a bond and discuss their troubles with their respective partners. After Rita got fired, Syl hired her as her assistant for her real estate agency. Sgt. Batista once picked up a hooker, only to find out she was a Vice officer, and has been hoping to take her out. They have dinner once, but she keeps her distance. Then he invites her to Dex’ wedding and she loves him for it, leans in kisses him. I’m rooting for Angel, man. This guy deserves a lucky break! We also have that hawt Yuki from Internal Affairs who yet again barges in on Deb as she is working overtime. Yuki explains it wasn’t a personal vendetta, but that they are investigating Det. Quinn for cutting corners (which we know he does so well) that cost the life of a police officer. After her all-nighter, Deb does find a new lead, though. The “Skinner” seems to be staking his crime scenes as a tree trimmer (hence his expertise at cutting). She remembers talking to some guy called George who has been trimming trees at the scene where they found Javier. Damn, this girl is good! At the office they’re planning on using Anton the “snitch” as bait, in the hope of catching the “Skinner.” But Deb can’t deal with another death on her hands, so she tells him, but out of his love and respect for her, he agrees to help her (provided they offer him protection detail). What did I tell you? This was one wonderfully gratifying episode!

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