Friday, December 31, 2010

Boardwalk Empire 1x03

Boardwalk Empire, Broadway Limited, on HBO
One of the victims of Jimmy’s shooting turns up in the hospital instead of the morgue. Before brown-shirt Eli can silence him forever with a pillow, Van Alden walks in to interrogate him. Eli can hold him off for the time being, but the witness remains alive. Not much later, with a warrant in hand, Van Alden whisks the guy away to New York. When his assistant urges him to take the guy to a doctor before he dies on the backseat, they are forced to take him to a dentist. After the dentist administers two doses of cocaine, he comes to just enough to tell Van Alden in Yiddish to go and fuck his grandmother with his little faggot penis. Before he dies from Van Alden squeezing his intestines through the open wound in his stomach, he tells him one of the guys at the shooting was called Jimmy. Van Alden wants to arrest Jimmy right away, but his superior, Supervisor Elliott, orders him to see his wife and get a rest, while he will consult with a U.S. attorney about their next course of action.

When Rothstein gets wind of it in New York, he sends Lucky Luciano to kill Jimmy. For his part, Nucky tells Jimmy to leave town and think about finishing college. Jimmy’s having marital troubles anyway, suspecting his wife Angela of having an affair while he was in the trenches. So he leaves her and his kid, and takes the train to Chicago, no doubt to look up his buddy Al Capone. Meanwhile, Nucky has gotten Margaret a job in a haute-couture shop Belle Femme at the Ritz with Madame Jeunet. Naturally, that means she’ll have to help Nucky’s lady friend Lucy in and out of lingerie while she rubs in Nucky has a soft spot for the charity cases. There is not much else to say about the episode. It was mostly focused on the development of the characters and their relationships. There were some scenes with Chalky White, the African-American gangster who has taken over Mickey Doyle’s bootlegging trade. I’m not too prone about the gratuitous nudity, even if Paz de la Huerta has beautiful breasts. Nor do I know why it is significant that Lucky Luciano has gonorrhea. The Cricket remains slightly skeptical and hopes our patience will be rewarded eventually.

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