Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Modern Family 1x20

Modern Family, Benched, on ABC
Funniest line this episode: “One day I’m gonna be a grandfather and then everybody better hide their meat.” This coming out of Phil’s mouth. Plus the look on Cameron’s face! L0L (really)! Runner up: Cam crying “Awzbz iz bz, an’zbeelz judiz bsbs ... an’inz judiz, my gurl’zjees an’swushees!” Ahahaha! The Cricket loves this one. Cameron is teetering on the verge of a nervous breakdown because he misses being with Lily and being a trophy wife, since he had to take a temporary job now that Mitchell quit his job. The thing, of course, is that Mitchell is the complete opposite and can’t wait to go back to work and interact with grown-ups, but doesn’t have the heart to tell Cam. Mitchell loves Lily more than life, but staying at home drives him to despair. He’s already plotting the death of Dora the Explorer! Then Jay tells Mitchell to call one of his filthy rich golf buddies, Charlie Bingham (Justin Kirk from Angels in America and Weeds), who is looking for a lawyer. More hilarity ensues, but Mitchell does end up getting the job! For their part Jay and Phil are bickering over who would be a better coach for Luke and Manny’s basketball team. The previous coach (Eric Lang from Lost and Weeds) was verbally abusive. Not that it matters, neither Jay or Phil can do much about the pathetic Li’l Dribbblers... Meanwhile Clair and Gloria bond over the fact that their kids are too embarrassed to be seen with them. They babysit little Lily, buy her clothes, and eat ice cream. If only all episodes could be of this caliber!

1 comment:

  1. "You know how awkward I get when things get awkward." Ahhh Cam!


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