When we last heard of Echo, she was sent to the Dollhouse’s Attic, together with Victor/ Anthony and Sierra/ Priya. There, in the Attic, they are left in tubs in a vegetative state with their worst nightmares running over and over in their heads. Echo soon enough learns to overcome her fears and ignore the nightmares. Eventually she comes across the old Head of Security, Laurence Dominic, who is chasing a dark figure he calls Arcane. (Here comes more sci-fi rubbish!) Apparently, their minds are somehow connected and they can find others by tuning into fear. In Anthony’s recurring nightmare, he’s a soldier in Afghanistan, locked in hand-to-hand combat with himself; Priya dreams of making love with Anthony but every time he turns into a zombie rapist...
Echo and Dominic team up to find and release Anthony and Priya from their nightmares and catch Arcane. Turns out the latter is merely a man called Clyde, also locked up in the Attic, who has been trying to kill as many people as possible, because he knows that all their connected minds are being used as Rossum’s mainframe – not only from the L.A. Dollhouse, but all houses across the globe. With Clyde they walk straight into his own personal nightmare of things to come – the neurological Armageddon, the apocalyptic anarchy, the final battle between the rebel “Actuals” (those who haven’t imprinted) and the “Imprints” (those humans, or what’s left of them, whose minds have been programmed to butcher the rebels).
Echo then decides that if she flatlines, she will be taken off the mainframe, and if she can then revive herself she can rescue the others and take down Rossum. Meanwhile boy-genius Topher has successfully imprinted Paul Ballard to release him from his coma. Echo squares off with Adelle DeWitt, but then we get a flashback telling us that the two agreed to this whole scenario so that they would learn Rossum’s darkest secret and finally get a real advantage over the corporation. Adelle, Boyd, Topher and his assistant Ivy (another cutie, by the way), together with Ballard, Echo, Victor/Anthony and Sierra/Priya are eager to overthrow Rossum. But they need one more person: Caroline Farrell (Echo’s original personality, who knows certain things no one else seems to know). Things are heating up! This show is really starting to become worthwhile.

Echo then decides that if she flatlines, she will be taken off the mainframe, and if she can then revive herself she can rescue the others and take down Rossum. Meanwhile boy-genius Topher has successfully imprinted Paul Ballard to release him from his coma. Echo squares off with Adelle DeWitt, but then we get a flashback telling us that the two agreed to this whole scenario so that they would learn Rossum’s darkest secret and finally get a real advantage over the corporation. Adelle, Boyd, Topher and his assistant Ivy (another cutie, by the way), together with Ballard, Echo, Victor/Anthony and Sierra/Priya are eager to overthrow Rossum. But they need one more person: Caroline Farrell (Echo’s original personality, who knows certain things no one else seems to know). Things are heating up! This show is really starting to become worthwhile.
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