Dexter felt backed into a corner by Rita, who was interrogating him about Paul. Dex felt forced to tell her an inconvenient lie: that he has an addiction! Now he has to go through some Narcotics Anonymous twelve step bullshit program to convince her he’s willing to recover (from an addition, mind you, he doesn’t have)... Perhaps even less convenient (at least it would be for me – and it sure is for Rita once she knows), is the gorgeous brunette Lila with a sexy thick British accent (a blend of Liv Tyler and Teri Hatcher). Dex soon gets afraid this Lila will uncover his true addiction, but when he tells Rita he wants out, she shows him the door. So, ultimately he returns to the program. The fun part is that Sgt. Doakes believes he has finally discovered what was wrong with Dexter and gives up tailing him! Hahahaha! LOL. And Dexter himself is starting to open up, to feel his heart, literally and figuratively – becoming more human and more likeable in the process.
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