Well, this is the moment no one has been waiting for, the Grand Finale of Caprica... While Daniel and Amanda Graystone are still trying to secure their house with the help of a team of investigators, that STO sympathizer Global Defense Department Director Gara Singh storms in ordering their arrest on the trumped up accusation that they were behind the MagLev bombing that started off the entire series. Daniel’s trusted assistant Cyrus grabs a gun, points it at Singh, and tells Daniel and Amanda to find Clarice’s holoband and foil whatever plot she’s schemed. Flying off to Orpheus Park where Agent Duram was shot, the Graystone’s spot notices that they are now wanted as terrorists. Daniel finds the holoband in the park and learns of the plan to bomb the Atlas Arena during this season’s only home game of the Buccaneers, and he also gets to see the apotheotic virtual heaven Clarice has created for the martyred believers in the The One True God. Daniel and Adama quickly rush downtown in order to prevent the bombing. They get their hands on the program that controls the Cylons, break into the arena’s control room, and bring in two dozen troopers robots. Activating their sensors, the Cylons spot the STO bombers and take them out one by one, except for Clarice’s husband Olaf. He is able to detonate his sole bomb, but by that time the arena has already emptied out in the panic.
Meanwhile, after little Willie’s death, the Adamas find support among their Tauron neighbors in opposition to the Guattrau. Fidelia pays her respect and apparently had a change of heart. She is willing to negotiate so as to avoid a war among the Ha’latha. She agrees to arrange a virtual sit down between Joseph and her father, but during the meeting the Guattrau is being suffocated in real life. Fidelia takes over her father’s position, justice has supposedly been restored, and war averted. From a flashforward into the future we learn that Joseph will have another son, with his new wife, named William after his dead half-brother, but nicknamed Bill not Willie. Fans know that this is the Bill Adama who will command Battlestar Gallactica in the Cylon War another half century in the future. For her part, Zoe realizes Clarices apocalyptic schemes and confronts her in her virtual heaven. As the martyr’s avatars are uploaded into this sham Mount Olympus, Zoe rages and burns Clarice’s heaven down. The Sister returns to the real world, realizing she has sent innocent people to their death, and agrees to become high priestess for artificial intelligence. In another flashfoward we see that they Graystone’s have succeeded in creating a skin job for Zoe, and that Lacey Rand has become Great Mother on Geminon who approves of Clarice’s mission converting Cylons to The One. The End.