The Damsels in Distress are still ensconced in their virtual fortress, but Sam Adama has agreed to join Amanda and Daniel Graystone to find them. The Cricket has no idea why the threesome needs to be dressed like Canadian ranchers, but let’s indulge. Sam, however, is not so much interested in finding his niece Tamara, but in killing her and ridding the world of this avatar travesty. Amanda is rightly worried that he may kill her daughter Zoe in the process. So she shoots him back to reality. Zoe senses her approaching parents and sends them some of her childhood’s favorite dragons as a warning. Amanda realizes that Zoe is as contrarian as her parents: if you chase her, she’ll run away; if you corner her, she’ll lash out. They need to invite her, so that she can make her own decision. They won’t have to wait long for the tearful reunion. Zoe concedes she will think about visiting them in their virtual home.
That fearsome Fidelia (we got suddenly introduced to in the previous episode) turns out to be the Guattrau’s daughter. When she informs him of the illicit shipments of Cylons to Tauron, he orders the death of the Adamas. “Quick and painless,” he adds. I doubt that strangulation fits that bill, but Joseph escapes death when his dead wife’s mother attacks his assailant first. Fresh out of V-World, Sam hears of the hit put on his family and rushes to their meeting point – to get money and fake papers so they can escape to Tauron. Two more hitmen reach them. Young William Adama causes a distraction, so that Joseph and Sam can deal with the assassins, but Willie is shot and bleeding profusely. (We are lead to believe he’ll live, since Bill Adama is one of the main characters in Battlestar Gallactica.)
Over on Geminon, Thunderlord Odin betrays Lacey, knowing she will be killed for her ability to control the Cylons. His STO commanders order him to kill her himself. Then the tables are turned as their classmates save Lacey and Odin, and shoot the commanders. Instead of rushing back to Caprica, Lacey takes her friends to the robots. The fight for the One True God is on. While Daniel and Amanda are still in V-World, Clarice and her husbands break into the Graystone house – to find the apotheotic holoband and finish the Graystones off. Zoe’s avatar won’t let that happen. She returns to the U-87 Cylon prototype conveniently lying in the room. The robot sweeps one killing stroke, Clarice and her one surviving husband dash off. Returning to their virtual home, Daniel offers his daughter a partnership to create a real life body for her, flesh and bone. “A skin job,” Zoe contemplates. Finally we are inches away from Battlestar Gallactica! One more episode and we’re done.
That fearsome Fidelia (we got suddenly introduced to in the previous episode) turns out to be the Guattrau’s daughter. When she informs him of the illicit shipments of Cylons to Tauron, he orders the death of the Adamas. “Quick and painless,” he adds. I doubt that strangulation fits that bill, but Joseph escapes death when his dead wife’s mother attacks his assailant first. Fresh out of V-World, Sam hears of the hit put on his family and rushes to their meeting point – to get money and fake papers so they can escape to Tauron. Two more hitmen reach them. Young William Adama causes a distraction, so that Joseph and Sam can deal with the assassins, but Willie is shot and bleeding profusely. (We are lead to believe he’ll live, since Bill Adama is one of the main characters in Battlestar Gallactica.)
Over on Geminon, Thunderlord Odin betrays Lacey, knowing she will be killed for her ability to control the Cylons. His STO commanders order him to kill her himself. Then the tables are turned as their classmates save Lacey and Odin, and shoot the commanders. Instead of rushing back to Caprica, Lacey takes her friends to the robots. The fight for the One True God is on. While Daniel and Amanda are still in V-World, Clarice and her husbands break into the Graystone house – to find the apotheotic holoband and finish the Graystones off. Zoe’s avatar won’t let that happen. She returns to the U-87 Cylon prototype conveniently lying in the room. The robot sweeps one killing stroke, Clarice and her one surviving husband dash off. Returning to their virtual home, Daniel offers his daughter a partnership to create a real life body for her, flesh and bone. “A skin job,” Zoe contemplates. Finally we are inches away from Battlestar Gallactica! One more episode and we’re done.